Where is the outline text effect in word
Where is the outline text effect in word

  1. #Where is the outline text effect in word movie
  2. #Where is the outline text effect in word plus

Everything is displayed within a single area, hence the term one pane. There are two basic types of outliners: one-pane or intrinsic, and two-pane or extrinsic, each with its strengths and weaknesses.Ī one-pane outliner is known as an intrinsic outliner because the text itself is organized into an outline format-individual sections (such as paragraphs) of text can be collapsed or expanded, while keeping others in view. Some outliners also allow the user to create custom fields and/or filter on fields. This data can be shown as columns of data in the outline or as fields in the second pane (see 'Layout' below).

  • Fields/Columns: Items can also have additional fields of information.
  • File import and export: Both the content and structure of outlines are conveyed when files are imported or exported (e.g., from and to tab-indented files).
  • #Where is the outline text effect in word plus

  • Search/Filter: The tool displays only items that contain the query terms plus their ancestors (parent, grandparent.) to give them context.
  • Lifting an entire section out to work on it in isolation, ignoring everything else during that editing, then dropping it back into place (known as hoisting and de-hoisting).
  • Displaying selected levels (e.g., show all 1st and 2nd level items, but none deeper).
  • Applying styles by outline level (e.g., bold all 1st level items).
  • Viewing: The tool enables the user to affect the display by level.
  • Every item entry must be within one level of its predecessor, such that each item must be a sibling or child of the preceding item (thus, no item can be a grandchild of the preceding item).
  • Promoting, demoting, copying, or deleting a parent has the same effect on the children.
  • Editing: Sound parent-child relationships are enforced when the user modifies the document structure.
  • The principal attribute of outline editors is that they support or enforce the use of a hierarchy of their items.

    #Where is the outline text effect in word movie

    They are also used for goal and task management (including personal information management and project management), and for writing books and movie scripts.Īn alternative to outliners are mind mappers, which display a tree structure as a node–link diagram. Outliners are ideal for managing lists, organizing facts and ideas, and for writing computer programs.

    where is the outline text effect in word

    Outliners may be used in content creation instead of general word processors for capturing, organizing, editing, and displaying knowledge or general textual information. In other words, as a hand-written work an outline is a writing tool, but on a computer, it is a general purpose format supported by a robust development and display medium capable of handling knowledge from its creation to its end usage. The main difference between a hand-written outline and a digital one is that the former is usually limited to a summary or blueprint of a planned document, while the latter may easily include all of the content of the entire document and many more. This eliminates the need to have separate documents, as outlines easily include other outlines just by adding to the tree. An outline in an outliner may contain as many topics as desired. So rather than being arranged by document, information is arranged by topic or content.

    where is the outline text effect in word

    Outliners are used for storing and retrieving textual information, with terms, phrases, sentences, or paragraphs attached to a tree. When loaded into an outliner, an outline may be collapsed or expanded to display as few or as many levels as desired.

    where is the outline text effect in word

    Textual information is contained in discrete sections called "nodes", which are arranged according to their topic–subtopic (parent–child) relationships, sort of like the members of a family tree. An outliner (or outline processor) is a specialized type of text editor ( word processor) used to create and edit outlines, which are text files which have a tree structure, for organization.

    Where is the outline text effect in word