Firefox popups new window
Firefox popups new window

firefox popups new window

The only strategy I can think of is to add the event listener directly to every button that's already present on the page, thus solving the problem for the vast majority of cases. This sort of inconsistency between browsers is why jQuery was created in the first place, and while I thought those days were behind us, it seems there are still edge cases like this where some browsers sometimes do the wrong thing. The reason why this used to work with jQuery is because it implements its own event system, presumably during the capture phase, so the event never even got to the bubbling phase on the DOM.

firefox popups new window

This appears to be because we're setting the event handler on the document body rather than the element, but we need to do this in order to account for new Twitter buttons making their way into the page when e.g. preventDefault and stopImmediatePropagation don't work to prevent this. What I've found after some further testing is that in the situations where this fails, it's because Firefox fires the default action on the button before the event listener is called. If the user clicks 'Cancel' the box returns null. If the user clicks 'OK' the box returns the input value. When a prompt box pops up, the user will have to click either 'OK' or 'Cancel' to proceed after entering an input value. Thank you, It may well be that the issue manifests itself differently based on the specifics of each system. A prompt box is often used if you want the user to input a value before entering a page. The important method in this class is the OnBeforePopup method that is triggered when the user clicks on the links that will show up as Popups, with the given instruction, the new URL will show up now in the same browser (Form1), instead of opening a new one.

Firefox popups new window